Locksmiths in St Annes

24 hour emergency locksmith service covering
Lytham, St Annes and Blackpool


Do you need a locksmith in St Annes or the local area?
Don’t panic! our emergency locksmiths can usually be with you within half an hour in the Blackpool, Lytham and St Annes area, maybe a little longer if you’re further away.

So if you’re asking yourself, who is the best locksmith near me? Then you need ADP Locksmiths!
Fully insured, DBS checked, professional 24 hour locksmith.

About ADP Locksmiths


Trusted & Reliable

NCFE Accredited
Fully Insured and CBS Checked
Police Checked


We’ve worked with Blackpool Police, Fylde Council, St Annes Council, North West Air Ambulance, Fylde Foodbank, and the Coast Guard.

Family Run

We are a family run, reliable 24hour locksmith, covering the St Annes and the Fylde Coast

Range of Services

We also offer boarding up services, hinge replacement, lock changes and intruder alarm services.